Welcome at Ghent University
Are you a pupil in secondary education?
Do you want to sign up for Open Classes or Try-outs?
Do you want to sign up for the infosession 'Straks student aan de UGent'?
Do you want to sign up for Info days?
Register as a new user or log in if you are an existing user.
Existing user

New at Ghent University?

When you log in with Authenticatie Vlaanderen, we will obtain your Belgian National Register number, first name and surname. From Databank Hoger Onderwijs (DHO) we will also obtain your place and date of birth, gender, nationality and address. This data is processed in accordance with our privacy policy (https://www.ugent.be/en/administration/privacy).
We advise you to log in with Authentificatie Vlaanderen. Be sure to do so if you registered this way or if you want to enrol online.